Retreat Details
Hotel Info
The Holiday Inn Resort in Orlando offers a special rate of $99 to Super Scrappers! Resort fee of $25/night is WAIVED for our group.
Click on the link below to make your online reservation. Group code (SCR) and IATA (99801505) should come up when you make the reservation on dates June 23-28, 2021.
** Please Note: A resort fee will show up online on your reservation. You will NOT be charged this fee at the hotel **
What is included in your
adventure filled weekend:
Your own 6 foot table
Reserved seating with your friends in the Ballroom
Crop 'til you drop from 10 am on Thursday until 5:00pm on Sunday (That is 55 hours to crop!!)
Vendors on site for your shopping convenience
Tools Table including Cricut Expressions & Cricut Explore Air 2
Electrical outlets at your table
Goodie Bags, Amazing Giveaways, Daily Make & Takes
Massage Services, additional fee
Drinks & Snacks
Complimentary WiFi in both crop and sleeping rooms
PLEASE NOTE: Hotel room is NOT included in the crop fee
4-Day Retreat $160
We accept the following forms of payment:
1. Paypal or Credit Card to Please pay using the "Friends and Family" option.
2. Mail a check to Monica Rasso, 162 Walkbridge Way, Chapin SC 29036
3. Venmo to @Monica-Rasso
4. Cash App to $MonicaRasso